Friday 4 October 2013

World Animal Day

This morning Mrs.Nice came into my room and said [as always];

Good morning DEXTER, have you slept well?
Yes of course I had my ''Anytime Anyplace Anywhere'' sleep
 [as always]
Today DEXTER, is a very special day, today is World Animal Day ☺
That sounds good but what does it mean?
Well DEXTER,  it is something  like a holiday for animals,
I will tell you all about it later.
After breakfast she took the doggies out for an extra long walk and when she came back they all 3 got a Nice big and fresh bone.
Whoopy, I think I start to get what World Animal Day is ☺
Mrs.Nice pours herself a Nice cup of tea and gave me my treats, she says; now I will explain World Animal Day to you.
And then we started this really strange conversation:
Mrs,Nice; ON World Animal Day we give our animals extra Nice food,
             extra   treats and new toys.
DEXTER; Yes yes yes that sounds good.
Mrs Nice; wait DEXTER , that's not all, it is also ''We don't eat animals day''
DEXTER; ''We don't eat animals day''?what do you mean by that, no meat?
Mrs.Nice; yes, no meat today DEXTER
DEXTER; okay I can live with that, so we have fish for dinner?
Mrs.Nice; no DEXTER fish are animals too.
DEXTER; not even a little fish?
Mrs.Nice; no DEXTER even a little fish, you certainly wouldn't want to eat
''Little Nemo''
DEXTER; no of course not, when I eat ''Little Nemo''
                  I can never watch him on T.V. and it's my favourite movie.
                 But a little sardine would be Nice.
Mrs. nice; no DEXTER sardines are animals too.
DEXTER; but you just gave the doggies a bone!
Mrs.Nice; yes DEXTER but those bones are from an animal which was killed
DEXTER; I don't mind eating meat or a fish who died yesterday.
Mrs Nice; You are missing the point DEXTER, but don't worry you get lots
                  of treats and tonight we will open a bottle Catnip wine.
DEXTER; okay, if this is what you want we will do it your way,
                  and I''ll go out and catch me a mouse.
Mrs. Nice; no DEXTER mice are animals too,
in fact I am going to bring them some cheese.
                   WHAT, did she fall of a wagon or
She went outside and put a plate with cheese on the garden table!
                                       she sets a mousetrap every night
                   on this is the exact same gardentable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                            Now I get it;
        World Animal Day means we wont kill or eat any animals today,
                     but to all animals; you all better run fast tomorrow.
                    I think I''ll have a Nice long nap and when I wake up
                               I'll go to Ieneke for my dinner ☺
[She invited me on Face book]

                                  A very Nice ''World Animal Day''  to you all
                                                           ☺ ☺☺☺ ☺


  1. Hee hee you are so cute, I like the look of that cheese on the table, yum yum!! Thanks for your good wishes too XXXX

  2. We could have the shared the piece I stole ☺
