Saturday 26 October 2013

A Strange day

 I doubted for a long time if I should tell you this,
because it is nothing to be proud of.
In fact, I think most blokes would never tell
But now I think; what the heck, we're all good friends
So here comes an embarrassing story.
One day I woke up and I immediately knew;
SOMETHING was different,
I got NO breakfast,
She didn't brush my fur.
She hugged me and patted me and said;
"I am so sorry DEXTER but it has to be done".
Yes sure, you should have done it hours ago;
WHERE is my Breakfast.
She said with a very Nice and soft voice,
you know the kind of voice that makes all the alarm bells in your head go off,
First we go on a trip DEXTER,
and when we come home I make you the best breakfast you ever had.
Only humans can think of such a stupid plan;
first: going on a trip without a breakfast
second; she knows I hate my travelling basket
third; she knows I hate cars!
Sometimes I think her name is NOT Mrs.Nice
it is Mrs.Horror !
Anyway, she put me in the car and said "try to sleep a bit DEXTER,
then we are there before you know it".
I have told you more than once she sometimes is a little crazy,
but this..................................
she must really have fallen off the wagon and hit her head extremely hard;
Sleep in a travelling basket in a driving car and with an empty stomach

        that is utterly impossible for me

 Anyway, after a far too long drive we stopped at the vet,
which isn't so bad because Lisbeth and Silvie  are both very sweet. 
They hug me a say Nice things like 'Look how big our sweet DEXTER has grown'' 
And Then.........................something so strange happened
I still don't understand but
I fell asleep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of Cat falls a sleep when he is being cuddled by two gorgeous women

When I woke up I already was home,
How could that have happened?
Maybe I have a gift for timetraveling
That would be fun
   ☺  ☺ ☺
I got a huge breakfast, and lots of noms all day,
but I knew there was something missing
but couldn't figure out WHAT was missing.
I searched for hours and hours
but I had no idea WHAT it  actually was what I was looking for.
And that made it extremely difficult to find.
I got very tired from all that searching, I decided to have 
                                            a NICE LONG NAP
I will tell you all about my search tomorrow
                       ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Dexter I am so sorry about your strange day visit to the vet that you missed out on breakfast. When did this happen? Is it just recently? Poor little guy! Well I do hope your photos come back soon. Lots of hugs XXX

  2. It was sometime ago and I am used to it now.
    I am glad to say all my photo's are back ☺
