Monday 14 October 2013

Cats and Dogs

It's very windy and raining since last night
They tell me it is Autumn and we will have a lot of these rain storms the coming months.
I don't mind ,it's sunday Mr.&Mrs.Nice are both at home and
it's warm and cosy in the house.
But the dogs they DO mind: they refused to go outside this morning!
And then I  heard Mrs. Nice say; I can't blame those poor doggies for not wanting to go outside because it's raining Cats and Dogs.
                                              Raining Cats and Dogs????????
That I must see, so I ran to the window and jumped on the  windowsill

 I sat there for a real long time, but all I saw was water coming down.
                             No Cats and No Dogs !!!!!!!
So that was quite a disappointment.
I know she often says stupid things, but this one..................
really,  raining Cats and Dogs,how did she come up with that?
But it was amusing to see how the dogs tried very hard NOT to get wet,
which of course failed.
After a while I got bored looking at the dogs and the wind playing with the leaves and I decided
it was time to go to my favorite place.................
                                                 Nice and warm at the fireplace.
                                                      See you all later ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Yep that is funny when the doggies get all wet, and they come inside and shake all their wet fur all over, oh boy!! Our Gypsy is a Bichon Frise and when he gets wet he smells like a wet wooly jumper!!

  2. Is Gypsy just as Nice as a wooly jumper to lie on when he is dry?
