Saturday 5 October 2013

World Animal Day, the day after

I had a fabulous World Animal Day, I got lots of Nice treats and toys.
I decided that  although Mrs.Nice thinks of mice being animals there is no need to give them all that yummy cheese.
So I slipped outside and stole the cheese ☺
This morning Mrs.Nice went outside and she came back in with the empty plate and said '' that must have tasted good, they ate it all''
Yep, sure they did, I only left them a few tiny crumbs   ☺
They played a lot with me but the biggest surprise was;
Justin was here ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ 
Remember I told you he is a travelling man, and he was away for sooooooooooooo long.
But today he was here especially for me ♥
He played a lot with me and.................

he had a big surprise for Mrs Nice, but that's another story.
Don't worry I will tell it soon enough.
You see that stairs on the foot of my Himalaya, Mr.Nice made it for me.
He thought this would be a Nice gift for World Animal Day.
Only humans can be so stupid; a Cat does not need a stairs to climb the Himalaya.
But I didn't tell him that, I acted as if I was very very very happy with it.
After all he thought it well ♥  


  1. Oh you sure had a happy World Animal Day, and it was a good idea to eat most of the cheese and just leave a few crumbs!! Those mousies don;t really need too much!! I like your stairs, maybe you can find another use for them, like lying on a different step each day. I am sure Mr Nice will think that is good!! I am glad you got to play with your friend too. Hugs little buddy DexterXX

  2. Thanks Aladdin, how was your World Animal Day ?

    1. Very good buddy, I spent it with my two brothers Gypsy the doggie and Cherokee the ginger kitty!
