Monday 21 October 2013

Games Cats Play

I love to play.
Whenever I can, I play
I think all Cats take every chance they have to play.
My favourite GAME is my blue marble,
you wouldn't believe  it but that crazy little blue thingy
lets me run through the entire house  ...
and beyond.
Boxes, how I can play with a box,
you know I had a Nikon box,
that was the MAX
Really never seen a better box then my Nikon box

But I did worn  it out totally
so Mrs.Nice had no other choice than to throw it away.
I begged her to buy a new Nikon camera
but she said she had only taken 10.000 pictures of me with it
so I should have to wait a bit.
I think Iam going to write a letter to Nikon and ask them if they can make camera's that can not make more then 10.000 photo's.
                              Lucky for me Mr.Nice gave me another box
                                                                ♥ ♥ ♥

                                                   I also like to play with toilet paper
which Mrs. Nice not always likes, but I love it ☺
And did you know you can have a lots of fun in a closet?
which, again,
Mrs. Nice not always likes
but I, again, love to play in a closet.

and just 2 days ago me and Jill Hershey Alexander
played with her meowmy's pencils
which was great although........
 I think her Meoumy was not very amused
but we had lots of fun ☺
So I think it is save to say
I love to play,
but you know what I hate?
Cats who invite me to play Internet games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really, I can't believe there is one Cat in the whole wide world
who wants to play ''internetgames''
In the time you play ínternetgames"
you can chase a mouse or a bird,
annoy your dog [or anybody else]
climb the curtains,
head bonk your favourite person,
go to Rain Robinson's bacholar pawdy [ wich was so much fun]
read Vancat Onlion   book "Rescue 6"
look which one of your friends is on ShowmeCats
or relax a day at the The Cat Island Lodge.
And all those thing are soooooooooo much better then playing stupid Internet games.
But that is my opinion, so everybody do what you like but
DO NOT invite me to play Internet games.
Love you all
DEXTER ♥ ♥ ♥ 


  1. Oh yes Dexter buddy there are so many fun things you can do in a day, like climb the screens on the windows, hide and pounce, fighting your brother when he is not expecting it, and chasing moths too. I like your photos, boxes are great fun!

  2. An other fun thing to do is talking to Aladdin
    ♥ ♥ ♥
