Friday 25 October 2013

Toi {let} STORY

No more crablegs for me........never again!
I have never ever in my whole life felt so crappy as last few days.
Mrs. Nice thinks I am probably allergic to shellfish, so no more shrimps or gamba's for me.
I will certainly miss the oysters but I can live with that, as long as I can have the Salmon and Tuna.
There is no Cat in the whole wide world who can survive without Tuna on TUesday or Salmon on Saturday.
Anyway,  I think you all know Mrs. Nice by now, and you all know she is sometimes a bit..... well how can I say that Nicely?
She sometimes is a bit cookoo, or a little nuts or something like that, but what she came up with now ...........unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
I do not exaggerate, you will not believe  what I am going to tell you now.
She said  '' come DEXTER I want to show you something''

  We went to the human's private place and she said;
 you know DEXTER we humans teach our children to use the toilet
we call that ''pottytraining''
So what, my mummy trained me to use the litterbox, so what's the difference?
Well, sweet little DEXTER, the difference is that your mummy taught you to dig in the dirt and
I'm going to teach you to do your business
                                                             above the water.
Wait a minute, my mummy did NOT teach me to do ''it'' in the dirt!
We are Good Clean Cats
and Good Clean Cats only use
Good Clean sand,
in case  our human doesn't keep our private place clean then we use
the human bed or couch as a private place.
THAT is what my mummy thaught me.
Just hear me out DEXTER, she said,
you don't have to dig in the water you just stand on the toilet seat and then you do your ''thing''
                                                    You mean like this
Yes DEXTER, thats the idea,
just try it and don't give up too soon.
I know you can do it, your such a bright DEXTER
Now I wil leave you alone to practice.
Sure I can....................
But I won't!
I will not let my ''things'' fall into the water.
In the worst case the water will splash on to me,
and I am fond of water but.....
I am the one who deciceds when and where the water touches me!
There I was left all alone in a humans private place
and nothing to do.............
Wait I can have a lot of fun here
This is really a Nice game
I could do this for hours
                  ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
But all fun comes to an end, in this case when Mrs.Nice came in.....
.she was not amused.

  But I was ☺
The human has no humor. 

Of course am I a decent Cat; I always replace the toilet paper when I finish the last one.
                                                ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



  1. MOL!!! Oh Dexter that is a funny story, and I guess you did not end up doing your thing in the two legs toilet! I am glad you had some fun with the paper, you are so cute!!
