Tuesday 29 October 2013

Searchin for..................Something

Okay I had my real long and very Nice nap but
I STILL DON'T  KNOW  WHAT  HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I knew for sure SOMETHING is missing.
And when something is missing Mrs.Nice always says;
                                    ''Search and you will find''.
That is probably very old and very wise
so at least I have to give it a try
So I searched here

Nothing but Bills, bills bills and even one bill who said ''with kind regards''.......................
 I am pretty sure they rather had it said '' Please don't pay me''
                                              I searched here

But here were only seeds in it, because Mr.Nice wants to  grow a acacia.
He is not very good at it though,
the first he planted became a victim of the lawnmower
the second he planted became a victim of the rabbits
the third one he planted just disappeared.
But Perseverance pays off........or so they say.
So I looked in the washing machine

No, nothing here,
not even Justin's laundry
I looked in the chimney

 Nothing. where to look now???????????
Maybe in one of my boxes
               No,no,no,no,no,no I am really getting desperate.
possibly  in this bag
I often find exiting things in shoppingbags

 There is lots of stuff in it where I could have some fun with,
but not what I'm looking for.............................I think
Because I still didn't know WHAT the f**k I was looking for.
I became so desperate  I even looked in the toilet!!!!!
How desperate can a Cat be ???
Then I thought, maybe it's right in front of me not in or under something but ON something
So I took a look ON the sideboard
I found a pair of glasses where I played with for quite a while until I remembered
                                         I still had some searching to do.
So I looked on the table because Mr.&Mrs.Nice often leave there interesting items.

Again nothing there and then I thought of something.............
it was a rather disturbing thought.

I suddenly remembered some time ago Rocco went to our Nice vet Lisbeth and.....................


and fell asleep, just like me.

When he came home he wore a human boxer short, and said;

 ''I have no idea what happened, but I have a feeling like I am  missing something''

                                      see how ridiculous a dog looks in a human boxer short.
                                             HA ha ha ha ha ha......... ah oh no no no NO
                             They wouldn't do that, they didn't do that to me.............would they

                                                  YES, they would do that to me
                                                     YES they could that to me
                                                          YES they DID

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you got your photos back Dexter, thanks to Melanie Nice!! They are such wonderful photos of you looking every where for ....something!!! Well, you will be as good as new now little buddy!!! Hugs always
