Friday 27 September 2013

from Crab to Crap.

As I told you yesterday Somebody said on he had Crab legs for dinner and that asted so good  he wished he would get that every meal, that made me so curious so I asked Mrs.Nice if she would cook me Crab legs for dinner.
Well she looked at me very seriously and asked; are you very sure that's what you want DEXTER?
I've said it before; she's a real Nice lady but she's also very good in asking stupid questions.
Of course I want that otherwise I wouldn't have asked it!!!!
She went to the fish market and was in the kitchen for hours and the smell that came out of the kitchen was ...............  UNBELIEVABLE GOOD.
And then finally after a long long waiting time she finally set the table and I ran to see what she made
And that was the biggest disappointment ever,
                                                                         LOOK :
 I could not believe my eyes, is this what she was in the kitchen for all that time?
Fortunately she came in with 2 other plates and said;  DEXTER here are your Crab legs
 Look what she made, doesn't this look good.
It was a torment to wait until dinner time, but I tell you; this was really worth waiting for.
She said. DEXTER this was so much work, I hope you save one plate for tomorrow.
I promised that, but this was so absolutely fabulous I could not stop eating and suddenly I had finished both plates!
Oops, I did it again, what would Mrs. Nice say about that, I could only hope she would't be mad at me.
When she saw what I did she was not mad at me at all, she only said with a soft voice;
I hope your tummy can handle this much Crab legs.
Well I didn't worry about that at all and went for a well deserved nap but after an hour or so I woke up because of belly pains.
And that got worse and worse even so bad Mr.Nice decided take me to the emergency vet!
The vet gave me some disgusting medicine which made me even sicker than I already was.
I'll spare you the gory details but I'll tell you it is a good thing me and Mrs Nice have that good and clear agreement regarding my ''private place'' I told about yesterday.

I feel like crap so I think I hide here until it's over.


  1. The crab legs sound very yummy, but I am sorry you got a very sore belly after it!

  2. Thank ypu Aladdin, I feel a lot better now☺
