Sunday 15 September 2013

Meet the Nice family

Now I live with a very Nice family, and it is unbelieveble but even their name is Nice !
I'm not kidding, that is their real name.
So now my name is "DEXTER Nice"
I could have done a lot worse.

We have doggies too, on this pic you see Mr Nice tt

They are very very sweet dogs and fortunately they have only one name.

Here you see Mrs Nice, she took the doggies out for a swim.
Rocco can't pass any water, not even the muddy water, without lying in it.
Serra and Billy like the water too, but they hate it when their bellies get wet.
They told me they also have children so I expected the little people but they are even bigger than Mrs Nice!
They live somewhere else but Melanie is a very Nice girl, everytime I see her she play's with me.
 We don't see Justin very often,he is a travelling man the world is his playground.
They were lucky  they have found me and I am very happy to live with them.
But I still miss my mummy

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you miss your Mummy but the longer you are with the Nice Family the more you will feel you belong, They have 3 very big nice doggies too, do the doggies like you Dexter? Do you like them too?
