Saturday 14 September 2013

The day I became DEXTER

And then one day I was playing on my scratching Post when 2 people came into the room and when she saw me she said: Ahhhh such a SWEET little RED DEVIL!
Can you believe that; even complete strangers first call me SWEET and even though I did nothing wrong they call me Red Devil.
But I have to say, she said it with a very soft and nice voice.
They were really Nice people [even their name is Nice] they played with me and caressed me but then suddenly they put my in a travellingbasket and took me outside and in a car.
I was really afraid because I had never been in a car and that thing made so much noise!
And then it happend............ I had an attack of diarrhea!!!!!!!
I was so ashamed, I did it in the basket but there was no way I could go to my "private place"
I heard her ask "what is that smell"  at first they tought it was a farmer working his land.
I kept very quiet and hoped  they would not find out it was me,but they did. 
Fortunately  they were not mad at me, she took me out of the basket and said
"o, you poor little DEXTER".
                                              Uh, WHO is DEXTER????
I looked aroud me and there was only the 3 of us.
She cleaned me and the basket and when she put me back  in the basket she said
"I hope you can keep it clean for the rest of our journey to your new home DEXTER"
And she looked at Me.
What does that mean that after "SWEET" and "Red Devil" they will call me                                                                       DEXTER
    And yes, that is exactly what it meant, from that day on my name is



  1. I love your story very much, and you are so sweet little Dexter. You have a great name, I like it and you are the cutest little Red Devil, I don't think you are a devil at all. I am glad to be your friendXXX

  2. Thank you so much Aladdin Boo Turek.
    It's nice to have a friend like you
