Wednesday 11 September 2013

WHY do I start this blog ?

Hello everybody

I start this blog because Facebook is closing a lot off animal accounts and on this moment I have 412 Friends and on my "LIKE" page I have 153 likes.
My F.B. friends and I have a lot of fun and this way  they can still see what I'm doing.
If you don't like my blog, you can also find me on



  1. Dexter, you and Red are gorgeous! So glad to be your friend, love Willie and Friends and my mum, too.

  2. Just to say Hi, Dexter. Is there a button to sign up, so that I receive an email every time you post. Like page... ooops, I have to find out were to find it... so it's not on your Furriends site...I'll find it, don't worry. Pawkisses for now :)

  3. Hi Angelswisper, I don't know how that works may be when become follower.
    Will you let me know when you find out?

  4. I am so happy to be your friend Dexter!
