Thursday 12 September 2013

And then there was SWEET little me

Well I'm done napping [ my F.B. friends know what I mean] so lets go to work.
I was born 22-11-2012
                                           It was a beautiful day

My mamma was very happy with  all her 7 children and she took real good care of us.
My daddy was also happy with us but he left the caring part to mamma.
As you can see we were all beautiful baby's and then the strange name thing started.
                    They named me;
At least that is was every body said when they saw me;
                            OOOOOOOOOOh so
                      Nice name,  don't you think ?
This beautiful ginger and very sweet looking kitten is me  
                      Here I am 6 weeks old and they still name me

Here I am 8 weeks old and even though I still was very Sweet, but then they started to call me 
                                    RED DEVIL
Probably because I didn't stay in the basket anymore.
I had a nice house with lots and lots off stuff  to play with
 but when I did  the Haman's started shouting;
                    STOP,don't do that you little 
                                       RED DEVIL
You see what a mean when I say there is something strange about names;

My mamma's name is Paula and they call her "Red"
My daddy's name is Keano and the call him  "Key"
And I am only 8 weeks old and and went from Sweet to Red Devil

                            I wonder what is next


  1. It is funny Dexter, a lot of kitties get named Sweet, and Cute and Aww, Well I guess they like to try our all these names until they find the one they like the most. I think Dexter is a very Nice name XX I just love your baby pictures, you are a beautiful kitty cat!

    1. Yes I am used to my name now, and I like it wich is very fortunate because I hear it at least 2000 times a day
