Thursday 26 September 2013

a DEXTER day

Every morning at 7 am , not a minute earlier or a minute later,
I wake Mr. and Mrs Nice.
I greet them with lots of headbonks and purrrrss and Mrs. Nice asks
Stupid question, of course I slept well, I am a Cat
 and cats always have ''Triple A''  sleep;
                             Anytime ☺  Any place  ☺ Anywhere  ☺
She makes me my breakfast and  tries to brush my fur.
After they had their breakfast she goes outside to take our doggies for a Nice long walk and I wave them off

I go and find out where Mr. Nice is, maybe I have to help him because sometimes he is a bit clumsy but I'll tell you about that some other time.
When Mrs. Nice comes home she feeds the doggies and gives them fresh water, she comes back in and I come running to her.
I'm always  glad when she's back ☺
She likes it when I run to her and she asks
 '' hey DEXTER, you little fellow where were you?''
Huh........  WHERE was I ??????????
I was right here!!!!!!!.
Where were YOU ?????????
She starts cleaning my ''privateplace'', we have a good and clear agreement about that; she keeps my ''privateplace'' very neat,very clean and filled with the best litter box stuffing there is, and I won't take my "business''  anywhere else ☺
She asks;  I am going to swim are you coming?
Yesssssssss, I don't like swimming but I love to play at the pool or relax at the side of the swimming pool and watch them splash around and get wet.
Did you know a swimmingpool is a great drinkingbowl?
And then it's TREATS time, she makes a Nice pot of tea and I get a Nice treat, I love this time of day: I am enjoying my mjammie and  in the meanwhile look at to see if any of my friends are online.

And then Mrs.Nice again says something stupid like:
                                     Come on DEXTER let's start the day!
 I don't know about her but I am pretty sure my day started this morning at 7 am, and I am pretty sure I woke her up at 7 am and  that is what I call ''the Start of the day''
Anyway the rest of the day we play a lot, we have Nice conversations  and now and again I give her some time off so she can do her things like working and cooking Nice meals for me.Crab legs should be very tasty they say on
I guess I'll tell her that so she can cook that for my dinner tonight.

And I'll have the time to take a Nice long nap ☺


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very busy and a very Nice day! You certainly have a wonderful home!
