Wednesday 18 September 2013

A Dirty Story [you might want to skip this one]

I told you all , with a very red blush on my cheeks, about my ''accident" in the travellingbasket and I think when I am finished telling you this story I will be RED all over my body.
When we arrived at my new home,  Mrs Nice showed me where I could find my food, water and on that moment the most important item: My private place.
Pfffoeh that was a relieve

Even though I wasn't ill, I had an attack of diarrhea at least 5 times a day and believe me that is not funny at all for nobody, but when you're a Main Coon kitten it is a NIGHTMARE.
I did it everytime neatly in my own private place and I did all I could do to stay clean but that is very difficult when you're a baby Main Coon.
So sometimes she had clean me up a bit and in the worst case [once a day] she had to give me a bath.
And I hate getting a bath, but she said;''sorry DEXTER, I must do this'' 

So Mrs Nice took me to a vet who gave me medicin wich I refused to take.
Mr and Mrs Nice said I needed those meds and when I kept refusing taking them they grapped me,and said ''I'm so sorry Sweet little DEXTER''  and pushed the pill down my throat.
                  TWICE a DAY !!!!!!!!!!

 I hate getting a bath, but the cuddling in the arms of Mrs Nice with a nice warm and dry towel after a bath, makes it just a tiny bit right.
        This is what is left of me after a bath, please don't look at my tail

After 4 days I was still not a bit better so Mrs. Nice took me to another vet.
It was a long drive but these two vets Liesbeth and Silvie were so nice to me.
They gave me a shot and I didn't even feel that ☺
They also gave me pills wich I had to take for 5 days, but this time they also gave cans with something really delicious in it.
Mrs Nice crushed my pill and mixed it with 1 teaspoon of the yummy,
                so NO MORE pushing pills down my throat
The next day I was already a lot better, and 2 days later I was cured ☺
                                 No more  diarrhea  and NO MORE baths.


1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Dexter, I finks all those fings are awfuls, like diarreha and pills and baths,,,,none of those fings are good for cats, that's for sure, I am glad you got better soon !
