Sunday 10 November 2013

My Favorite Toy

As I told you before in the post '' Games Cats Play''
I love to play,
I can play all day.
And when I don't play
 I eat or sleep.
But when I sleep I dream about
or eating but that's not what we are talking about right now.
My favourite toy of this moment is this:

                                  And now you think;
                            what is this, I don't see a toy''
Don't worry there is nothing wrong with your eyes.
My favourite toy is a
Just a common door like the one you all have in your houses.
It always starts with me calling  Mrs.Nice
I meaouw very soft and then run to my door.
If she doesn't come fast enough
I'll go back to her
                              meaouw again, and run to my door.
                                    And sit behind the door
                                 That usually does the trick
                                          ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

You see those pieces of paper on the floor?
That is what it's all about;
Mrs Nice slides a piece of paper under the door
she moves it back and forth
                                      and I try to catch it.

                                      Don't laugh.. it's not easy! 
Mr. Nice doesn't like us playing this game, he is always grumbling
about the scratches my beautiful strong nails make.
                Again the ignorance of Humans
              Of course my nails scratch the door;
                They were made for it!  
                        ☺ ☺ ☺
But every now and then Mr. Nice says to me 
''DEXTER come play with the door"
When he does that he always has a blue envelope
and he is not satisfied until that blue envelope looks like this;

                                             and then he says 
                 '' this is what everybody should do with his tax assessment ''
                                                    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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