Friday 22 November 2013

Happy Birthday DEXTER

Today is my BIRTHDAY
I have been waiting for months and now finally
So because I waited this long
I want to last it for as long as possible.
That's why I asked my friends on F.B. if they had some good advice
The first advice was to set the alarm
but that didn't work because I can't change the time on that.
It is broken for years, that is the reason they get up at 7 each morning
But then I thought about our stereo set, that can produce a lot of noise

So I started my todays favourite Beatles song
                  "Happy Birthday"
And that worked really well:
Mr. Nice came running out of the bedroom screaming
                WHAT are you doing
       You are waking up the neighbours.
Well, that's a good idea,
they can be the first to bring me my presents
                         ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
Despite of this great Beatles song Mr. Nice didn't understand my hint
So he said; Go back to sleep DEXTER
It's only 2 PM
and went back to bed.
He didn't even say "Happy Birthday DEXTER"
I went to my favourite ''thinking place''

After about an hour I thought it would be a good idea to try the second advice
   Meoooooooouwing Out Loud
So I sat on my favourite place in the livingroom and started
And guess what; it worked
Mrs. Nice came running
                what is wrong Sweetheart ?
And then she saw me sitting and she said with her Nice soft voice;
"hey you little birthday boy, it is much to early
you have to go to sleep for a few hours
you don't want to sleep when everybody comes around to congratulate you?"
She had a point with that
so she went back to bed and I went to my Himalaya
           and I could not sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever heard of a Cat that can not sleep???????????
And then I got a great idea;
They have a waterbed....and I have very very very sharp claws
                 DO I NEED TO SAY MORE?
so I went very quietly into the bedroom
and  crawled towards the bed, and just when I started she said;
               "That's enough DEXTER''
We'll get up now, give us a little time to get dressed,
you can start up the computer to see if your friends are on line this early.
So I did and you will never ever believe what a surprise I got :

               Even Google knows it my Birthday and when Google knows the
                                     WHOLE WIDE WEB WORLD                                                                                                                                 knows it is my
                                                   ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



  1. Oh that is super exciting, even a google birfday greeting for you buddy, happy birfday Dexter, you are such a bootifuls kitty, and I love your fur and I love your fluffy tail. I hope you had a very special first birthday <3

  2. Thanks Aladdin, I did have a fantastic birthday ☺
