Tuesday 24 December 2013


It is almost Christmas and we still don't have a                                   
                       Christmas tree!
I asked Mrs.Nice several times when do we get a
                       Christmas tree
don't you understand I want to play with the ornaments, the lights
                                    and of course
               I want to climb the  Christmas tree ☺
She told me we won't have a Christmas tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Not this year,
              Not last year
       Not in the coming years
I could not believe my ears.........
I know she is a bit................
                 dumb, stupid.......................
I have no words for this.
I know she fell off the wagon more then once
                      but This....................

                                                  I could not believe my ears
I did everything to convince her we NEED a Christmas tree
                                    I cried
                                      I screamed
                                        I scratched
                                         I even bit her !
                  Then she had enough off my moaning
She said;'' come sit with me DEXTER
I am going to tell you
what Christmas is all about''.

                                                                       So I did

                                  Once upon a time..........
in a country far far away there lived a carpenter named Joseph
and he and his girlfriend Marie,
who was very,very pregnant
had to go to Bethlehem.
So they travelled by foot and Marie could sit on their donkey.
One night they could not find a place to sleep, so they had to sleep in a barn
together with the donkey and an ox ''
                                      WHAT, wait a minute
You are telling me  a guy with his pregnant sweetheart
go travelling by foot and they made no hotel reservations
That is really something STUPID
         even for   HUMANS
         Why didn't they take the car
            or even better the R.V.?
                                     I was soooooooooooo confused
                                           it made me loose my head

                                 she said
                  ''you have to hear the rest of the story''
                   I don't know the rest of the story because.............
                                       I fell asleep
                 and woke up just when she said;
      ''Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ
            and that is why Christmas has Nothing to do with
                    Christmas tree's or Christmas presents''
                                      No Christmas tree
                                           No present
                                WHAT TO DO NOW?
I was desperate
So I went to Mr. Nice
He is a really a Nice guy
 and if anyone could help me
it would be him ☺
And....................it worked; he said
''don't you worry DEXTER.
I make sure you get your Christmas tree"
                                     And you know what?
                                            He did!
The next day he came home with a big box
filled with all kinds off Nice stuff
and I thought
              ''Let the games begin''
                          He started to unpack the stuff
                              The disappointment began
                                 It started quiet well
              He had a box filled with all kinds of Nice Christmas stuff

                  But then I saw what he called a Christmas tree.....................
                                        This can NOT be true
                                 This is not a Christmas tree
                                 This is not even a branch!
                                How can I climb that thing?
                         a perfect example of human stupidity
But, as always I made best of it 
I explored the box
                            and found a Nice STAR to play with
                        After I demolished the star I asked Mr.Nice;
                  Why no presents, what about the birthday of Jesus?  
                       We can celebrate that with presents for us.
                                           ☺  ☺ ☺  ☺ ☺
                                  He said:'Well DEXTER                               You have been a real Nice a Cat
                        at least for as long as you live with us 
                                so you can ask Santa Clause
                               you never know what happens''
                     And then I remembered Humans call this      



                                                         ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥



1 comment:

  1. Dexter, it was so good to read your blog and you fell asleep in the Christmas story too, did you help decorating the Christmas tree too? You are so cute when you fall asleep all furry and flat like a pancake, MOL!!! Luvs you buddy :) Luv AladdinXX
