Friday 27 December 2013

Christmas , the most wonderful time of the year

Now I know why they say ''Christmas , the most wonderful time of the year.
It started Tuesday  evening  they told me it was Christmas eve.
An evening for family's to be together.
They had all kinds of  yummies
and there was even a bottle catnip wine
Even the Humans played games
and I wasn't allowed to play with them!
As if I even wanted that ,
it was a very stupid game.....they didn't even use dice!
All they had were little cards on the table.
They played music and sang songs like:
           Silent Night,Holy Night
It's a Nice song but I prefer the
        30 Seconds to Mars Christmas song
They do all this because in this night, 2013 years ago
Jesus , the son of God was born.
This is so difficult to understand
2 days ago Mrs.Nice told me the Joseph & Marie story 
and now the boys father is God!!!!!!
I decided not to think about it
and went to my Himalaya for a
                                       Nice triple A sleep.
I slept for hours and hours
I just didn't want to wake up.
I had such Nice dreams
I dreamt of a white Christmas, Christmas tree's
Nice food and about Santa bringing us lots of presents
and then I had to wake up [I had to visit my private place]
                                  And I just couldn't believe my eyes
                                                         Santa had visited us
                                                      And I didn't even wake up!
                he brought us so much present, and there was even a Christmas tree
               This is what I call a CHRISTMAS TREE
 And presents you see those presents.........
              SO MANY
                           Wow unbelievable
                 I had a lot of Nice gifts, like this one

                                 But you know what I liked the most?
                                                  The GIFT RAPS
 ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

 I played with it for hours and the I discovered something special
Did you know you can sleep very well under a gift rap paper
                                        Goodnight Everybody
                                                     See you all in the New Year
                                                                ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

1 comment:

  1. Dexter you look like you have a wonderful Christmas and your photos are just the most are so bootifuls and I luvs you XXXXX Love AladdinXXX
