Monday, 22 June 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 50

HUMANS !!!!!!
Or should I say; Man human?
Really this is soooo unbelievable!
Mrs.Nice is away for a few days and she told Mr.Nice to take good care of me.
He spent almost the whole afternoon in the kitchen
so I expected a Gourmet Meal,
and what did I get?
The green stuff and the red drink!!!!!!!
Is he stupid or something,
I told him only a few days ago,I wouldn't eat that for anything in the world
Wait until Mrs.Nice  hears about this tomorrow.
He will be sorry then
♥ ♥♥


  1. Dexter Nice, this is Sir Frantishek of Russell. I like you.

  2. oH DEAR Dexter that is unheard of, Mr Nice needs to work on his dinner delivery, and not set you up with the green stuff and red drink any more, pfft!
