Tuesday 23 June 2015

365X DEXTER -day 51

I have 1001 friends on F.B !!!
I would say that's a lot.
I have friends all over the world,
in America, Australia, Europe, Russia and even in China!
A few of my friends in China asked me to come over for a short visit.
I would really like to go
But some other friends have warned me.
They said; DEXTER don't go, that will be a very short visit
 because they eat CATS in China
Can you believe that

I can't
Friends wouldn't do that
would they?
♥ ♥ ♥

1 comment:

  1. Oh no Dexter, I think if they eat cats in China it may be best to stay away from there! You could come here to AUstralia though, no one would eat you here XX
