Thursday, 31 October 2013


''Today is Halloween'' said Mrs.Nice
Okay, that sounds Nice,
at least the ''Hallo'' does,
I don't know about the ''ween'' part
she said ''halloween'' is one word
and it is a special day on which people dress otherwise the usually.
They try to look as scary as possible.
I know, I know
I am just a little Cat, but that's is really something typical stupid for humans;
people dress up to look as scary as possible and then they say
What is the fun in that?
I am pretty sure there is no Cat in the world who would do that.
A Cat is SO much more smarter then humans are
                 Anyway Mrs.Nice tried to explain what Halloween is all about
making the fall a bit more colourful; they put Jack o'Lanterns

 and other orange pumpkins everywhere
and use witches,ghosts, bats and black Cats to scare each other.
I know,I know, i have said it more then once;
are Bonky Wonky or something like that
all the stupid things they make up.......................
but who cares as long they have fun and don't hurt any Cats
And then she tells me ''Halloween is about treats..............
Wow I love treats ☺
Like this cake Poppy Woo Woo's momma won in a raffle
 Or these absolutely fantastic looking noms
If they taste as good as they look....................
Well I think my tummy will ache in the morning.
or these beauty's
Did you know there is a Halloween town,
you can see it in a movie called
''the day before Christmas''
Mr. Nice promised me we are going to watch that Movie on Christmas eve
and eat a cake like the one Kirsten Fairweather baked for Gary Litters Halloween party tonight

 So I have to wait a while, but I'm getting used to waiting because I am still waiting on Amazon to bring me Vancat Onlion's book.
Anyway, I have to say goodbye for now
I have to get dressed for the party tonight but first I'll have a short nap on my pumpkin

                                O, I just heard the beer  already arived ☺

                See you all tonight at Gary Litters Halloween party in Bristol
                                     ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Searchin for..................Something

Okay I had my real long and very Nice nap but
I STILL DON'T  KNOW  WHAT  HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I knew for sure SOMETHING is missing.
And when something is missing Mrs.Nice always says;
                                    ''Search and you will find''.
That is probably very old and very wise
so at least I have to give it a try
So I searched here

Nothing but Bills, bills bills and even one bill who said ''with kind regards''.......................
 I am pretty sure they rather had it said '' Please don't pay me''
                                              I searched here

But here were only seeds in it, because Mr.Nice wants to  grow a acacia.
He is not very good at it though,
the first he planted became a victim of the lawnmower
the second he planted became a victim of the rabbits
the third one he planted just disappeared.
But Perseverance pays off........or so they say.
So I looked in the washing machine

No, nothing here,
not even Justin's laundry
I looked in the chimney

 Nothing. where to look now???????????
Maybe in one of my boxes
               No,no,no,no,no,no I am really getting desperate.
possibly  in this bag
I often find exiting things in shoppingbags

 There is lots of stuff in it where I could have some fun with,
but not what I'm looking for.............................I think
Because I still didn't know WHAT the f**k I was looking for.
I became so desperate  I even looked in the toilet!!!!!
How desperate can a Cat be ???
Then I thought, maybe it's right in front of me not in or under something but ON something
So I took a look ON the sideboard
I found a pair of glasses where I played with for quite a while until I remembered
                                         I still had some searching to do.
So I looked on the table because Mr.&Mrs.Nice often leave there interesting items.

Again nothing there and then I thought of something.............
it was a rather disturbing thought.

I suddenly remembered some time ago Rocco went to our Nice vet Lisbeth and.....................


and fell asleep, just like me.

When he came home he wore a human boxer short, and said;

 ''I have no idea what happened, but I have a feeling like I am  missing something''

                                      see how ridiculous a dog looks in a human boxer short.
                                             HA ha ha ha ha ha......... ah oh no no no NO
                             They wouldn't do that, they didn't do that to me.............would they

                                                  YES, they would do that to me
                                                     YES they could that to me
                                                          YES they DID

Monday, 28 October 2013

She Saved My Blog

You all know about me losing all my photo's from this blog.
It made me crazy,
I tryed everything where I could think of
Nothing worked.
I asked Cats and Creatures on the internet if they could help me
No one could help untill.....................
Melanie Nice came along.
She heard about my problem and she promised me
she would take a look at it.
And guess what;
                                 SHE DID IT
She found all my pictures and put them back on my blog
I am so HAPPY,
I could dance and sing all day long
Here she is:
                             my HERO

                                                  ♥ MELANIE NICE
                                                               ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, 26 October 2013

A Strange day

 I doubted for a long time if I should tell you this,
because it is nothing to be proud of.
In fact, I think most blokes would never tell
But now I think; what the heck, we're all good friends
So here comes an embarrassing story.
One day I woke up and I immediately knew;
SOMETHING was different,
I got NO breakfast,
She didn't brush my fur.
She hugged me and patted me and said;
"I am so sorry DEXTER but it has to be done".
Yes sure, you should have done it hours ago;
WHERE is my Breakfast.
She said with a very Nice and soft voice,
you know the kind of voice that makes all the alarm bells in your head go off,
First we go on a trip DEXTER,
and when we come home I make you the best breakfast you ever had.
Only humans can think of such a stupid plan;
first: going on a trip without a breakfast
second; she knows I hate my travelling basket
third; she knows I hate cars!
Sometimes I think her name is NOT Mrs.Nice
it is Mrs.Horror !
Anyway, she put me in the car and said "try to sleep a bit DEXTER,
then we are there before you know it".
I have told you more than once she sometimes is a little crazy,
but this..................................
she must really have fallen off the wagon and hit her head extremely hard;
Sleep in a travelling basket in a driving car and with an empty stomach

        that is utterly impossible for me

 Anyway, after a far too long drive we stopped at the vet,
which isn't so bad because Lisbeth and Silvie  are both very sweet. 
They hug me a say Nice things like 'Look how big our sweet DEXTER has grown'' 
And Then.........................something so strange happened
I still don't understand but
I fell asleep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of Cat falls a sleep when he is being cuddled by two gorgeous women

When I woke up I already was home,
How could that have happened?
Maybe I have a gift for timetraveling
That would be fun
   ☺  ☺ ☺
I got a huge breakfast, and lots of noms all day,
but I knew there was something missing
but couldn't figure out WHAT was missing.
I searched for hours and hours
but I had no idea WHAT it  actually was what I was looking for.
And that made it extremely difficult to find.
I got very tired from all that searching, I decided to have 
                                            a NICE LONG NAP
I will tell you all about my search tomorrow
                       ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, 25 October 2013

Toi {let} STORY

No more crablegs for me........never again!
I have never ever in my whole life felt so crappy as last few days.
Mrs. Nice thinks I am probably allergic to shellfish, so no more shrimps or gamba's for me.
I will certainly miss the oysters but I can live with that, as long as I can have the Salmon and Tuna.
There is no Cat in the whole wide world who can survive without Tuna on TUesday or Salmon on Saturday.
Anyway,  I think you all know Mrs. Nice by now, and you all know she is sometimes a bit..... well how can I say that Nicely?
She sometimes is a bit cookoo, or a little nuts or something like that, but what she came up with now ...........unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
I do not exaggerate, you will not believe  what I am going to tell you now.
She said  '' come DEXTER I want to show you something''

  We went to the human's private place and she said;
 you know DEXTER we humans teach our children to use the toilet
we call that ''pottytraining''
So what, my mummy trained me to use the litterbox, so what's the difference?
Well, sweet little DEXTER, the difference is that your mummy taught you to dig in the dirt and
I'm going to teach you to do your business
                                                             above the water.
Wait a minute, my mummy did NOT teach me to do ''it'' in the dirt!
We are Good Clean Cats
and Good Clean Cats only use
Good Clean sand,
in case  our human doesn't keep our private place clean then we use
the human bed or couch as a private place.
THAT is what my mummy thaught me.
Just hear me out DEXTER, she said,
you don't have to dig in the water you just stand on the toilet seat and then you do your ''thing''
                                                    You mean like this
Yes DEXTER, thats the idea,
just try it and don't give up too soon.
I know you can do it, your such a bright DEXTER
Now I wil leave you alone to practice.
Sure I can....................
But I won't!
I will not let my ''things'' fall into the water.
In the worst case the water will splash on to me,
and I am fond of water but.....
I am the one who deciceds when and where the water touches me!
There I was left all alone in a humans private place
and nothing to do.............
Wait I can have a lot of fun here
This is really a Nice game
I could do this for hours
                  ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
But all fun comes to an end, in this case when Mrs.Nice came in.....
.she was not amused.

  But I was ☺
The human has no humor. 

Of course am I a decent Cat; I always replace the toilet paper when I finish the last one.
                                                ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Monday, 21 October 2013

Games Cats Play

I love to play.
Whenever I can, I play
I think all Cats take every chance they have to play.
My favourite GAME is my blue marble,
you wouldn't believe  it but that crazy little blue thingy
lets me run through the entire house  ...
and beyond.
Boxes, how I can play with a box,
you know I had a Nikon box,
that was the MAX
Really never seen a better box then my Nikon box

But I did worn  it out totally
so Mrs.Nice had no other choice than to throw it away.
I begged her to buy a new Nikon camera
but she said she had only taken 10.000 pictures of me with it
so I should have to wait a bit.
I think Iam going to write a letter to Nikon and ask them if they can make camera's that can not make more then 10.000 photo's.
                              Lucky for me Mr.Nice gave me another box
                                                                ♥ ♥ ♥

                                                   I also like to play with toilet paper
which Mrs. Nice not always likes, but I love it ☺
And did you know you can have a lots of fun in a closet?
which, again,
Mrs. Nice not always likes
but I, again, love to play in a closet.

and just 2 days ago me and Jill Hershey Alexander
played with her meowmy's pencils
which was great although........
 I think her Meoumy was not very amused
but we had lots of fun ☺
So I think it is save to say
I love to play,
but you know what I hate?
Cats who invite me to play Internet games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really, I can't believe there is one Cat in the whole wide world
who wants to play ''internetgames''
In the time you play ínternetgames"
you can chase a mouse or a bird,
annoy your dog [or anybody else]
climb the curtains,
head bonk your favourite person,
go to Rain Robinson's bacholar pawdy [ wich was so much fun]
read Vancat Onlion   book "Rescue 6"
look which one of your friends is on ShowmeCats
or relax a day at the The Cat Island Lodge.
And all those thing are soooooooooo much better then playing stupid Internet games.
But that is my opinion, so everybody do what you like but
DO NOT invite me to play Internet games.
Love you all
DEXTER ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

About papers, leaflets and special BOOKS

You may or may not know this,
but I am a reader.
                                                                           I love to read,



                                 advertising leaflets

                                                     Toilet paper 

                                                       Basically anything with letters.
A very wise man once said:
''Words are letters that will never be sentences"
I have no idea what he meant by that, but it sounds good.
I sometimes spend so much time reading, my blue marble starts to complain;
                                 he is feeling lonely!!!!!!
Today I read something really exiting: a friend on
or was it Facebook,
hmmmmm, I forgot.
Anyway that's not important this friend Vancat Onlion  wrote a book himself!!!!!!!
                                              It is called: 

Rescue 6 - Their Time Has Come

It has a fantastic cover and I read what it was all about so I rushed to

Have you seen this amazing cover???
This is really a book I MUST HAVE.
and guess what........ I can't order it!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to KNOW
there is a fantastic book for sale and you can't order it.
So I became very frustrated and started to 


Very,Very, Very LOUD
and Mr.&Mrs.Nice came running
They thought I was wounded very bad.
When they heard why I screamed so loud,
they were very relieved nothing bad happened to me,
and they promised me they would find
who has a Amazon account or a Visa card.
I will give them 24 hours to find someone 
and if NOT...................
I'll scratch their wallpaper for as long as they need to
                      ORDER me that book!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Cats and Dogs

It's very windy and raining since last night
They tell me it is Autumn and we will have a lot of these rain storms the coming months.
I don't mind ,it's sunday Mr.&Mrs.Nice are both at home and
it's warm and cosy in the house.
But the dogs they DO mind: they refused to go outside this morning!
And then I  heard Mrs. Nice say; I can't blame those poor doggies for not wanting to go outside because it's raining Cats and Dogs.
                                              Raining Cats and Dogs????????
That I must see, so I ran to the window and jumped on the  windowsill

 I sat there for a real long time, but all I saw was water coming down.
                             No Cats and No Dogs !!!!!!!
So that was quite a disappointment.
I know she often says stupid things, but this one..................
really,  raining Cats and Dogs,how did she come up with that?
But it was amusing to see how the dogs tried very hard NOT to get wet,
which of course failed.
After a while I got bored looking at the dogs and the wind playing with the leaves and I decided
it was time to go to my favorite place.................
                                                 Nice and warm at the fireplace.
                                                      See you all later ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, 6 October 2013

The Big Surprise

Justin was here, he had been travelling for the last 10 weeks or so.
I heard Mr.& Mrs.Nice saying he had visited all the countries behind what they used to call ''the Iron Curtain'' in the old days.
Iron Curtain ????????????????????? I am so glad we don't have Iron Curtains in our house, how can any Cat climb in a Iron Curtain!
Because he came in the middle of the night we had not seen him or hear him come in.
In the morning there was a note on the breakfast table wich said:
'' I have a BIG surprise for you''
Ooooooo that's exciting, what could that be?
It was almost noon when he finally came out of bed and with a very Nice look on his face and with a very soft voice he asked; Mummy would you do something for me?
Mmmmm, that depends on what you want me to do,she said.
It is so stupid to ask something that way, when will humans learn to ask in a Cat way?
When I want something I say really very loud;
and then she comes running and asks me;
'' DEXTER what do you want sweetheart''?
She never ever says ''that depends'' she just gives me whatever I want ☺
Anyway, Justin asked her if she please,please would do his dirty laundry.
And Mrs.Nice the Nice lady as she is, said she would do it he just had to bring it to the laundry room.
I knew you would say that, so I did that already last night when I came in said Justin
And I also left a BiG surprise there for you.
Mrs. Nice and sweet little me were very curious and went to the laundry room and you will never believe what we saw there it's beyond words so Mrs. Nice made a photo of it:

Now I know why she decided to have a Cat instead of a kid, she has never any laundry from me
                  ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥  ☺
When we came back in the kitchen Justin was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair  
 '' is that a BIG surprise or not'' he said.
In all that time he was away he never washed his clothes,
when he needed clean clothes, he just bought new clothes !!!
Yes it is a BIG surprise but I don't think Mrs. Nice  appreciates it very much
Luckily he had an other  Nice surprise;
he brought a bottle of fine wine and a bottle of beer from every country he had been.
Now I know why he travels with such a big truck;
he needs the space for clothes and booze ☺
Sadly for the Cats in East Europe they have apparently no Catnip wine.
                                                 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  

Saturday, 5 October 2013

World Animal Day, the day after

I had a fabulous World Animal Day, I got lots of Nice treats and toys.
I decided that  although Mrs.Nice thinks of mice being animals there is no need to give them all that yummy cheese.
So I slipped outside and stole the cheese ☺
This morning Mrs.Nice went outside and she came back in with the empty plate and said '' that must have tasted good, they ate it all''
Yep, sure they did, I only left them a few tiny crumbs   ☺
They played a lot with me but the biggest surprise was;
Justin was here ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ 
Remember I told you he is a travelling man, and he was away for sooooooooooooo long.
But today he was here especially for me ♥
He played a lot with me and.................

he had a big surprise for Mrs Nice, but that's another story.
Don't worry I will tell it soon enough.
You see that stairs on the foot of my Himalaya, Mr.Nice made it for me.
He thought this would be a Nice gift for World Animal Day.
Only humans can be so stupid; a Cat does not need a stairs to climb the Himalaya.
But I didn't tell him that, I acted as if I was very very very happy with it.
After all he thought it well ♥  

Friday, 4 October 2013

World Animal Day

This morning Mrs.Nice came into my room and said [as always];

Good morning DEXTER, have you slept well?
Yes of course I had my ''Anytime Anyplace Anywhere'' sleep
 [as always]
Today DEXTER, is a very special day, today is World Animal Day ☺
That sounds good but what does it mean?
Well DEXTER,  it is something  like a holiday for animals,
I will tell you all about it later.
After breakfast she took the doggies out for an extra long walk and when she came back they all 3 got a Nice big and fresh bone.
Whoopy, I think I start to get what World Animal Day is ☺
Mrs.Nice pours herself a Nice cup of tea and gave me my treats, she says; now I will explain World Animal Day to you.
And then we started this really strange conversation:
Mrs,Nice; ON World Animal Day we give our animals extra Nice food,
             extra   treats and new toys.
DEXTER; Yes yes yes that sounds good.
Mrs Nice; wait DEXTER , that's not all, it is also ''We don't eat animals day''
DEXTER; ''We don't eat animals day''?what do you mean by that, no meat?
Mrs.Nice; yes, no meat today DEXTER
DEXTER; okay I can live with that, so we have fish for dinner?
Mrs.Nice; no DEXTER fish are animals too.
DEXTER; not even a little fish?
Mrs.Nice; no DEXTER even a little fish, you certainly wouldn't want to eat
''Little Nemo''
DEXTER; no of course not, when I eat ''Little Nemo''
                  I can never watch him on T.V. and it's my favourite movie.
                 But a little sardine would be Nice.
Mrs. nice; no DEXTER sardines are animals too.
DEXTER; but you just gave the doggies a bone!
Mrs.Nice; yes DEXTER but those bones are from an animal which was killed
DEXTER; I don't mind eating meat or a fish who died yesterday.
Mrs Nice; You are missing the point DEXTER, but don't worry you get lots
                  of treats and tonight we will open a bottle Catnip wine.
DEXTER; okay, if this is what you want we will do it your way,
                  and I''ll go out and catch me a mouse.
Mrs. Nice; no DEXTER mice are animals too,
in fact I am going to bring them some cheese.
                   WHAT, did she fall of a wagon or
She went outside and put a plate with cheese on the garden table!
                                       she sets a mousetrap every night
                   on this is the exact same gardentable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                            Now I get it;
        World Animal Day means we wont kill or eat any animals today,
                     but to all animals; you all better run fast tomorrow.
                    I think I''ll have a Nice long nap and when I wake up
                               I'll go to Ieneke for my dinner ☺
[She invited me on Face book]

                                  A very Nice ''World Animal Day''  to you all
                                                           ☺ ☺☺☺ ☺