Friday, 27 September 2013

from Crab to Crap.

As I told you yesterday Somebody said on he had Crab legs for dinner and that asted so good  he wished he would get that every meal, that made me so curious so I asked Mrs.Nice if she would cook me Crab legs for dinner.
Well she looked at me very seriously and asked; are you very sure that's what you want DEXTER?
I've said it before; she's a real Nice lady but she's also very good in asking stupid questions.
Of course I want that otherwise I wouldn't have asked it!!!!
She went to the fish market and was in the kitchen for hours and the smell that came out of the kitchen was ...............  UNBELIEVABLE GOOD.
And then finally after a long long waiting time she finally set the table and I ran to see what she made
And that was the biggest disappointment ever,
                                                                         LOOK :
 I could not believe my eyes, is this what she was in the kitchen for all that time?
Fortunately she came in with 2 other plates and said;  DEXTER here are your Crab legs
 Look what she made, doesn't this look good.
It was a torment to wait until dinner time, but I tell you; this was really worth waiting for.
She said. DEXTER this was so much work, I hope you save one plate for tomorrow.
I promised that, but this was so absolutely fabulous I could not stop eating and suddenly I had finished both plates!
Oops, I did it again, what would Mrs. Nice say about that, I could only hope she would't be mad at me.
When she saw what I did she was not mad at me at all, she only said with a soft voice;
I hope your tummy can handle this much Crab legs.
Well I didn't worry about that at all and went for a well deserved nap but after an hour or so I woke up because of belly pains.
And that got worse and worse even so bad Mr.Nice decided take me to the emergency vet!
The vet gave me some disgusting medicine which made me even sicker than I already was.
I'll spare you the gory details but I'll tell you it is a good thing me and Mrs Nice have that good and clear agreement regarding my ''private place'' I told about yesterday.

I feel like crap so I think I hide here until it's over.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

a DEXTER day

Every morning at 7 am , not a minute earlier or a minute later,
I wake Mr. and Mrs Nice.
I greet them with lots of headbonks and purrrrss and Mrs. Nice asks
Stupid question, of course I slept well, I am a Cat
 and cats always have ''Triple A''  sleep;
                             Anytime ☺  Any place  ☺ Anywhere  ☺
She makes me my breakfast and  tries to brush my fur.
After they had their breakfast she goes outside to take our doggies for a Nice long walk and I wave them off

I go and find out where Mr. Nice is, maybe I have to help him because sometimes he is a bit clumsy but I'll tell you about that some other time.
When Mrs. Nice comes home she feeds the doggies and gives them fresh water, she comes back in and I come running to her.
I'm always  glad when she's back ☺
She likes it when I run to her and she asks
 '' hey DEXTER, you little fellow where were you?''
Huh........  WHERE was I ??????????
I was right here!!!!!!!.
Where were YOU ?????????
She starts cleaning my ''privateplace'', we have a good and clear agreement about that; she keeps my ''privateplace'' very neat,very clean and filled with the best litter box stuffing there is, and I won't take my "business''  anywhere else ☺
She asks;  I am going to swim are you coming?
Yesssssssss, I don't like swimming but I love to play at the pool or relax at the side of the swimming pool and watch them splash around and get wet.
Did you know a swimmingpool is a great drinkingbowl?
And then it's TREATS time, she makes a Nice pot of tea and I get a Nice treat, I love this time of day: I am enjoying my mjammie and  in the meanwhile look at to see if any of my friends are online.

And then Mrs.Nice again says something stupid like:
                                     Come on DEXTER let's start the day!
 I don't know about her but I am pretty sure my day started this morning at 7 am, and I am pretty sure I woke her up at 7 am and  that is what I call ''the Start of the day''
Anyway the rest of the day we play a lot, we have Nice conversations  and now and again I give her some time off so she can do her things like working and cooking Nice meals for me.Crab legs should be very tasty they say on
I guess I'll tell her that so she can cook that for my dinner tonight.

And I'll have the time to take a Nice long nap ☺


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Climbing the Himalaya

With all these dirty ''problems'' behind me I had finally all time to play and trash the furniture ☺
 I already told you they are Nice people so,Yes they bought me toys.

Like this fish, but all cats know it is much more funn to play with something that is, according to humans, not made for playing  like this fur comb.

I hate it when she brushes my fur so  every time she starts brushing my fur I fight  for as long as necessary to get that comb.
She thinks it's a game to me , but it's not, it is a real war and if you see her hands and arms you'll see that I am the one who is winning!
The gaming with the comb starts when she gives up and I can try to demolish the damned thing.
They had real nice leather dining chairs, but ones I moved in they decided after a few days it was best to replace them with wicker chairs.

                    Wow these wicker chairs are real great playgrounds
                                                       ☺ ☺ ☺ 
But it didn't take long before they realised I really needed  a big scratching Post
After a long search on the World Wide Web they ordered  this beauty

 At first I didn't dare to go further then the lowest box, which was a great place to hide and sleep but after a short while I got curious and decided to explore the rest of it.

 It took me quiet some time before I reached the top of my personal Himalaya.

     But once I reached the top     WOW  what a view over my world
                                           ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

A Dirty Story [you might want to skip this one]

I told you all , with a very red blush on my cheeks, about my ''accident" in the travellingbasket and I think when I am finished telling you this story I will be RED all over my body.
When we arrived at my new home,  Mrs Nice showed me where I could find my food, water and on that moment the most important item: My private place.
Pfffoeh that was a relieve

Even though I wasn't ill, I had an attack of diarrhea at least 5 times a day and believe me that is not funny at all for nobody, but when you're a Main Coon kitten it is a NIGHTMARE.
I did it everytime neatly in my own private place and I did all I could do to stay clean but that is very difficult when you're a baby Main Coon.
So sometimes she had clean me up a bit and in the worst case [once a day] she had to give me a bath.
And I hate getting a bath, but she said;''sorry DEXTER, I must do this'' 

So Mrs Nice took me to a vet who gave me medicin wich I refused to take.
Mr and Mrs Nice said I needed those meds and when I kept refusing taking them they grapped me,and said ''I'm so sorry Sweet little DEXTER''  and pushed the pill down my throat.
                  TWICE a DAY !!!!!!!!!!

 I hate getting a bath, but the cuddling in the arms of Mrs Nice with a nice warm and dry towel after a bath, makes it just a tiny bit right.
        This is what is left of me after a bath, please don't look at my tail

After 4 days I was still not a bit better so Mrs. Nice took me to another vet.
It was a long drive but these two vets Liesbeth and Silvie were so nice to me.
They gave me a shot and I didn't even feel that ☺
They also gave me pills wich I had to take for 5 days, but this time they also gave cans with something really delicious in it.
Mrs Nice crushed my pill and mixed it with 1 teaspoon of the yummy,
                so NO MORE pushing pills down my throat
The next day I was already a lot better, and 2 days later I was cured ☺
                                 No more  diarrhea  and NO MORE baths.


Sunday, 15 September 2013

Meet the Nice family

Now I live with a very Nice family, and it is unbelieveble but even their name is Nice !
I'm not kidding, that is their real name.
So now my name is "DEXTER Nice"
I could have done a lot worse.

We have doggies too, on this pic you see Mr Nice tt

They are very very sweet dogs and fortunately they have only one name.

Here you see Mrs Nice, she took the doggies out for a swim.
Rocco can't pass any water, not even the muddy water, without lying in it.
Serra and Billy like the water too, but they hate it when their bellies get wet.
They told me they also have children so I expected the little people but they are even bigger than Mrs Nice!
They live somewhere else but Melanie is a very Nice girl, everytime I see her she play's with me.
 We don't see Justin very often,he is a travelling man the world is his playground.
They were lucky  they have found me and I am very happy to live with them.
But I still miss my mummy

Saturday, 14 September 2013

The day I became DEXTER

And then one day I was playing on my scratching Post when 2 people came into the room and when she saw me she said: Ahhhh such a SWEET little RED DEVIL!
Can you believe that; even complete strangers first call me SWEET and even though I did nothing wrong they call me Red Devil.
But I have to say, she said it with a very soft and nice voice.
They were really Nice people [even their name is Nice] they played with me and caressed me but then suddenly they put my in a travellingbasket and took me outside and in a car.
I was really afraid because I had never been in a car and that thing made so much noise!
And then it happend............ I had an attack of diarrhea!!!!!!!
I was so ashamed, I did it in the basket but there was no way I could go to my "private place"
I heard her ask "what is that smell"  at first they tought it was a farmer working his land.
I kept very quiet and hoped  they would not find out it was me,but they did. 
Fortunately  they were not mad at me, she took me out of the basket and said
"o, you poor little DEXTER".
                                              Uh, WHO is DEXTER????
I looked aroud me and there was only the 3 of us.
She cleaned me and the basket and when she put me back  in the basket she said
"I hope you can keep it clean for the rest of our journey to your new home DEXTER"
And she looked at Me.
What does that mean that after "SWEET" and "Red Devil" they will call me                                                                       DEXTER
    And yes, that is exactly what it meant, from that day on my name is


Thursday, 12 September 2013

And then there was SWEET little me

Well I'm done napping [ my F.B. friends know what I mean] so lets go to work.
I was born 22-11-2012
                                           It was a beautiful day

My mamma was very happy with  all her 7 children and she took real good care of us.
My daddy was also happy with us but he left the caring part to mamma.
As you can see we were all beautiful baby's and then the strange name thing started.
                    They named me;
At least that is was every body said when they saw me;
                            OOOOOOOOOOh so
                      Nice name,  don't you think ?
This beautiful ginger and very sweet looking kitten is me  
                      Here I am 6 weeks old and they still name me

Here I am 8 weeks old and even though I still was very Sweet, but then they started to call me 
                                    RED DEVIL
Probably because I didn't stay in the basket anymore.
I had a nice house with lots and lots off stuff  to play with
 but when I did  the Haman's started shouting;
                    STOP,don't do that you little 
                                       RED DEVIL
You see what a mean when I say there is something strange about names;

My mamma's name is Paula and they call her "Red"
My daddy's name is Keano and the call him  "Key"
And I am only 8 weeks old and and went from Sweet to Red Devil

                            I wonder what is next

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

In the beginning ,part 2

Now let me tell you about my Daddy; His Name is Keano.
My daddy was born in Belgium but he met my Mamma in the Netherlands.
They are both Maine Coon and he is a very beautiful BIG cat.
He has very special  beautiful eyes and a wonderfull BIC tail.
I hope my tail will be just as big as his.
As you can see I was born in a very Nice  family

At the beginning

Hi everybody

Let me introduce myself to you; My name is DEXTER.
My name wasn't always DEXTER, but I will tell you that story later.
Let me start at the beginning
This is my sweet mamma, she was born in Germany.
Her name is Paula, but her humans didn't like that name so they call her Red.
I really don't know why they call her Red.
Anyway, I think she is a really pretty lady and the best part is : she looks a lot like me
Next time I 'll tell you about my Daddy

WHY do I start this blog ?

Hello everybody

I start this blog because Facebook is closing a lot off animal accounts and on this moment I have 412 Friends and on my "LIKE" page I have 153 likes.
My F.B. friends and I have a lot of fun and this way  they can still see what I'm doing.
If you don't like my blog, you can also find me on