Sunday 31 May 2015

365 X DEXTER-day 28

I go out to work on a Monday morning
Tuesday I go off to honeymoon
I'll be back again before it's time for Sunny-down,
Thursday I go waltzing to the Zoo
I come from a Nice town,
 I'm just an Nice Cat,
Fridays I go painting in the Louvre
I'm bound to be proposing on a Saturday night
 (There he goes again)
I'll be lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

 Oops I forgot...
I am a Cat
I can be lazy
 I want to be lazy
♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday 30 May 2015

365X DEXTER -day 27

every Cat loves boxes
look at this beautiful
loooooooooooooong box
I am very sure
that all Cats are jealous of me
And me ?

I'm so in love....

 with this box 
♥ ♥ ♥

Friday 29 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 26

I found out what was in this little cup,

Believe me sometimes
 knowing is so much 
♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday 28 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 25

This cup is much too small
for my nose :(
So I stuck my pawn in it,
but that was no good either
I still don't know what was in it.
♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday 27 May 2015

365 x DEXTER -day 24

Mrs.Nice told me many times
I should not stick my nose
in everything I see. 

But this time
when I saw this cup
Mr. Nice left on the dinnertable.
 I just could not resist
♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday 26 May 2015

365 X DEXTER -day 23

Mrs.Nice didn't like what I did at all,
actually....she was quite mad
 at me.
She's now cleaning up the "Mess"as she calls it.
That's okay by me,
I like watching her work
☺ ☺ ☺
I can always do it again
♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 25 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 22

 I was very bored,
I didn't really know what to do with my time
so I decided to decorate my room.

I like it very much
☺ ☺ ☺

I hope Mrs.Nice likes it too.
♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday 23 May 2015

365 X DEXTER day 20

Today is Saturday
any Cat can tell you:
Saturday = Salmonday
☺ ☺ ☺
So I've been waiting all day
still No Salmon on the table

I think I just have to wait a little longer

♥ ♥ ♥

Friday 22 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 21

You all know me quite well by now,
so you know 
I love to jump into boxes, buckets 
every other thing I can crawl in.
But this thing.....
believe me
 everybody should just keep the lid on it !!!
♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER - day 19

It's a beautiful day
The sun is shining
They are all playing outside!
Everyone but me
It's just NOT fair!
♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday 21 May 2015

365 X DEXTER- day 18

I am sooooooo tired after all the fuss yesterday
with the little mousies.
When I waved them out
I told them:
You can all come back when you are grown up,
 but PLEASE........
 one by one!
And for now I need a Nice long sleep
Sweet Dreams
♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday 20 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 17

It worked
Really it did
☺ ☺ ☺
The little mousies heard my
and saw my
and they looked at each other en screamed
And then they ran outside.
Look at them run
I never knew mice can run this fast.
♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 18 May 2015

365 x Dexter- day 15

I have been thinking all day long
and ...
I still don't know what to do
with all these tiny little mousies
I can't play with them because 
I "touched" 2 of them
and now they aren't moving anymore.
AND ...
I don't know what to tell Mrs.Nice
when she finds out 
I have so many mice 
as my playmates
Well tomorrow is just another day
♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday 17 May 2015

365 X DEXTER- day 16

After a whole day thinking
I've decided to
very hard every time I see them
I am sure they will be very scared of the sound
when they see my beautiful teeth.......
I'm sure they will run as fast as they can.
You would be scared too
would't you ???
♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER- day 14

Remember I told you about the
 who lives in our livingroom?
I hadn't seen it for some time
so I presumed it had moved out.
But this morning,
it was back 
I couldn't believe my eyes
it brought at least 
little ones.
♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday 16 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 13

Hi there
As you all know 
I am an indoor Cat
Mrs. Nice says;
DEXTER you really need some exercise!
Here, you can use this home trainer.
I don't think so
I have to admit,
it's a great place to lie on.
♥ ♥ ♥

Friday 15 May 2015

365 X DEXTER - day 12

Everybody knows Cats love boxes
and I am a Cat
so therefore:
I love boxes.
I can't resist any box
and it really ruins my day
when I find a beautiful box like this one
and I can't get
♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday 13 May 2015

365 X DEXTER-day 10

Did I ever tell you I 
♥ ♥ ♥
 I like to see them
I like to smell them
I love to eat them
♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 11 May 2015

365 X DEXTER-day 8

I really liked my new game yesterday,
Mrs. Nice didn't
She played her own game:
Believe me....
her game was
funny at all.
♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday 9 May 2015

365 X DEXTER-day 6

And what does a Cat
do when they finally stop 
and close the laptop?
He goes to take a nap.
His famous
 triple A  
Sweet dreams
 every body
♥ ♥ ♥

Friday 8 May 2015

365 X DEXTER- day 11

today our good friends
 Hanneke & Tom 
came over for dinner.
They brought their 
They say this is a
I Can't believe this is a dog
Can you ???

♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday 3 May 2015

365 X DEXTER- day 9

I did
 like her game
she did 
like my game
like what she did with it.
♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER -day 7

One day Mrs. Nice came home with 
I have NO idea what she want's to do with this,
 I sure know 
what I want to do with it ☺
♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER-day 5

Mr. & Mrs. Nice
 are really Nice people 
but sometimes........................
they say;
I have NO time to play,
I have to

♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER-day 4

You know what I just spotted?
I did see a mouse
he hides behind the couch.
I am NOT going to tell Mrs. Nice, 
because when she knows there lives 
in our livingroom 
she wants me to 
and I don't want to
 catch it, 
I just want to
 with it 
that is sooooooo
much more 
♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER- day 3

And this is Sweet little me 

but the these days
 I am not so
♥ ♥ ♥

365 X DEXTER-day 2

My first day at the Nice family
and you know what ???
This is really a Nice forever home 

365 times DEXTER- day 1

Hi guys
I just had a great idea.....
I am going to start a new photoalbum.
I want to show you a new photo
every day for a whole year
Isn't that exciting
you see a picture of me
 days in a row.
♥ ♥ ♥